Chapter 3: Verbal Communication

Term: Connotation

Definition: Connotation refers to the emotional or cultural meanings attached to a word, beyond its literal definition.

Example: The word "home" has a positive connotation, as it is associated with warmth, comfort, and safety. In contrast, the word "house" has a more neutral connotation, as it simply refers to a building. This can be seen in the famous line from The Wizard of Oz, where Dorothy says "there's no place like home," emphasizing the emotional connection to the word. The use of connotation is important in advertising and political communication, as it can influence how people perceive a product or candidate.

Media Citation: Borchers, T. (2017). Chapter 3: Verbal Communication. In Introduction to Public Communication (pp. 77-117). Indiana State University.

Adler, R. B., Rosenfeld, L. B., & Towne, N. (2021). Introduction to communication research (6th ed.). Oxford University Press.


Chapter 4: Nonverbal Communication

Term: Kinesics

Definition: Kinesics refers to the study of body movement, including posture, gestures, and facial expressions, and their use in communication.

Example: In many cultures, nodding the head up and down signifies agreement, while shaking it side to side signifies disagreement. This can be seen in the famous scene from The Godfather where Michael Corleone nods his head while saying "I'm with you on this," indicating agreement with the other characters. Additionally, the use of hand gestures can convey a variety of meanings in different contexts.

For instance, in some cultures, pointing with one finger is considered impolite, while in others, it is a common way of emphasizing a point. Kinesics is also important in public speaking, as the speaker's body language can convey confidence, authority, and engagement with the audience.

Media Citation: Borchers, T. (2017). Chapter 4: Nonverbal Communication. In Introduction to Public Communication (pp. 118-151). Indiana State University.

Guerrero, L. K., & Floyd, K. (2021). Nonverbal communication in close relationships. Routledge.


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